Planning to redesign your site? Good. But have you ever thought about the repercussions? If not, we’ll make this clear for you in just a few words –

Redesigning your site can make or break your SEO efforts 

Yeah, even a single mistake from your side can result in a drastic drop in the rankings, maybe even a loss in revenue too in the Australian market!

It means you should NEVER take decisions regarding your website change or search engine optimization services lightly

Let’s face it: users don’t always love a revamped website (just look at Facebook’s latest redesign or the marketer’s complaints about Google Analytics 4). But beyond the sighs and eye rolls, there are SEO pitfalls you can’t ignore. Here they are:

No indexing a website

No redirects in place

Adding or removing content

Let’s start by understanding the concept of no indexing pages.

When you revamp a website, it’s common to test the new version separately before it goes live. To keep Google from seeing this ‘under construction’ phase, you usually use a tag that tells search engines to ignore it:

<meta name=”robots” content=”no index, no follow” />

But, here’s the hiccup: often, this tag gets forgotten in the rush to launch. So, even after the new site is ready, that ‘no index’ command might be present. And guess what? Google won’t show your fresh, fabulous site in its search results. Weeks could pass, and you might not notice until leads and revenue start slipping away.

Before hitting that ‘go live’ button, double-check and make sure to remove that ‘no index’ tag. Your future sales in the Australian market will thank you for it!

Then comes the issue of zero redirects.

When you shift a website to a new domain or tweak your URLs, you’ve got to ensure Google and the visitors of Australia know where to find you. But here’s the thing: if there’s no professional SEO agency or expert handling this, redirection often fails.

And guess what happens then? Search engines and users get lost in error pages or end up redirected to the homepage. This also leads to poor user experience and missed SEO opportunities based on the Australian audience for your website. 

Failure to redirect your existing site resources to new ones will affect your rankings, traffic, and conversions negatively. You might also lose that ranking push on Google since the incoming links to your content end up nowhere.

Google may even demote your site completely if it keeps on facing error pages.

So, how to fix this mess? Think of 301 (permanent redirect) as your ultimate solution here that tells both users and Google that your content has a new home!

Now, let’s focus on the consequences of adding or removing content during your site redesigning process.

Designers often use placeholder text like “lorem ipsum,” on the website even when there’s actual content lying around. Now, when the new site finally gets online, reality hits—chunks of the existing content clash with the new design. What’s the quick fix? Delete the content instead of tweaking the design.

But hold on! That’s not all. Sometimes, business owners decide to boot out old content simply because it’s… well, old! No real reason, just an itch to hit the delete button.

Sometimes, an SEO service agency and its folks also cut out content that’s not doing well in the Australian market, but they might chop too much. Here’s the catch: that content might have some good links. Delete it, and those links vanish.

Also, Google looks at your whole site. If chunks disappear, your site might lose credibility.

On the other hand, going from 100 to 100,000 pages overnight? Google doesn’t like that.

How to fix it? Keep your good content when you move to a new site! Give each piece a place in the landscape of the Australian audience or use the tags that tell Google where things are.

Okay now, the mistakes are sorted. But the question remains – how to redesign your site without risking your organic rankings, traffic, or revenue loss?

Line Digital follows the perfect strategies to overcome this issue.

First things first: Ring Up Your SEO Squad!

You’ve made the call for a redesign—fantastic! But here’s a crucial tip: dial up your SEO service agency expert right away, especially one that understands the nuances of the Australian market.

Too often, the design process kicks off with, well, designers, as the name suggests. But hold on! You’ve got to lay down the SEO-compliant Information Architecture (IA). That is where the Line Digital SEO team comes in for further analysis and help.

So, mesh Line Digital’s search engine optimization services with your UX skills, and set the stage for a redesign that’s both user-friendly and SEO-savvy, tailored specifically for Australian users.


Go with the SAFE redesign approach.

When it comes to revamping your online presence, the choices can vary—some businesses opt for grand redesigns, while others prefer maintaining the status quo.

Let’s take a cue from how Line Digital, a professional SEO agency, does it for brands in Australia. The process starts with maintaining a consistent website design for a considerable duration and opting for gradual enhancements rather than a complete overhaul.

This method has its advantages. Consistent visitors find comfort in familiarity, akin to walking into your favorite local spot where your order is anticipated. Yet, there’s a twist: it’s beginning to feel a bit crowded, like a bookshelf overloaded with too many titles.

Surprisingly, despite the clutter, the company continues to witness revenue growth. Perhaps it has struck a chord, or perhaps it’s time for a strategic pivot.

Drawing from this insight, consider a gradual but strategic approach. Maintain a comfortable experience for your loyal Australia-based customer base while strategically planning for that well-timed revamp. Sometimes, it’s the thoughtful tweaks that truly elevate your digital presence!

Now, let’s look at Line Digital’s additional but lucrative strategies for an efficient website redesign that does not mess with your SEO efforts.

When redesigning, work on a separate server to code and test the new site. Avoid making changes directly to the live site, especially for WordPress-based sites. Keep the design and code separate. Mixing them can cause problems, especially when making future changes. Content should be separate too, often stored in a database, XML, or text files, to avoid complications. Changing a domain or URL structure can be risky for SEO. Stick to the existing URLs unless there’s a significant reason to change. If changes are necessary, redirect old URLs to the new ones to maintain authority. When choosing a new design or theme, make sure it fits the content. Sometimes, a design may look great, but when the actual content is added, it might not align well. Before removing content, assess each page. Keep the ones that already rank well or have received backlinks. Check if the SEO practices have made it into Google’s index and if the rankings are intact. Use tools like Screaming Frog to test URLs and ensure everything is visible and accessible. Our final thoughts?

Ensuring that your website redesign aligns with your SEO strategy is crucial to maintaining your online presence. For insights on optimizing your website changes without compromising SEO, explore how Line Digital can help. Our expertise could be just what you need to explore a seamless redesign journey for your website, specifically tailored for the Australian market.